Monday, January 17, 2011

On MLK Day, let a hustler hustle

Here's race hustler extraordinaire Al Sharpton blaming the violence, thuggery, drug addiction, and dereliction of today's black youths on the one white criminal he could think of, Scarface....

Point 1: Not one of those white reporters or other panelists had the guts to point out to Sharpton that it's black culture in general and entertainers who're setting the bad examples for black youths. I'll bet there isn't 1 black kid in 100 under the age of 25 who can tell you anything about the movie Scarface.
Point 2: Arizona has been celebrating MLK Day since 1992, yet not one panelist of the crowd of whites pointed this out. Where does Deutcsh get off suggesting that Arizona secede from the union? Because of the MLK Day that got resolved 18 years ago? Because they allow conceal/carry weapons? Because they oppose illegal immigration? Arizona should be celebrated for these things. What a tool Deutcsh is!

Every MLK Day all media people are obliged to nod stupidly and obediently agree lest they be called racists, while self-appointed black leaders spout off whatever they like about how white America is still keeping blacks down. At what point are these black leaders going to point the finger of blame at their own culture for encouraging government dependency, illiteracy with Ebonics, and always blaming others for their own failures? At what point is Al Sharpton going to admit that blacks are disproportionately responsible for violent crimes against other blacks, responsible for their kids' obsession with drugs, violence, and lawlessness through rap music, and responsible for the illegitimacy rate for blacks being around 70%?

Besides conservative black columnists, the only two blacks brave enough to speak up are Bill Cosby and Juan Williams, yet they are dismissed as Uncle Toms for daring to tell blacks that it's their own fault for failing. It's much easier for blacks, and less uncomfortable for guilty whites, to let a hustler like Sharpton repeat ad-nauseum the blacks-are-victims-of-opressive-white-patriarchal-society canard. It fits the race template everybody's comfortable with.


  1. Does MSNBC exist solely for the titillation of lunatic leftists?

    As for Sharpton, in a truly decent society he would be not be considered even vaguely respectable.

  2. It is liberal white guilt that allows these guys air time and therefore legitimacy. I think white democrats feel warm and fuzzy sitting and nodding while a black man talks about how awful white America is. I think in some perverse way it gives them validation to exist as white people that they pretend to agree with that assessment of themselves.

    What a horrible, decrepit existence to loathe even your own self....this is the state of democrats in America.
