Monday, January 17, 2011

Ron Reagan Jr. smears his dad's legacy

Ron Reagan Jr., the back-stabbing liberal son of the former President, apparently can't make money doing anything else so he's reviving the old "Alzheimer's in office" meme about his father to drive sales of his stupid book...

From ABCNews -- Former President Ronald Reagan -- who diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease five years after leaving the presidency – elicited “shivers of concern” about his mental state as early as 1984, during his first term in office, according to a new book by his son, Ron Jr.

In his forthcoming memoir, “My Father at 100,” Ronald Reagan Jr. writes that he grew concerned that something was wrong with his father “beyond mellowing” in the early 1980s.

Everybody who was in the white house during the Reagan years, including all his doctors, are saying that this is absolutely not true and that Ron Jr. should be ashamed for attempting to smear his dad's legacy in order to sell some books. His publisher must have said, "Look Ron, nobody wants to read what you think about your dad. You've got to come up with something salacious and controversial to get people interested."

What a piece of crap Ron Jr. is!


  1. I couldn't agree more, Ed. It's funny to me that Reagan's adopted son is much more in his father's image than this liberal clown.

    Didn't he attempt to tarnish Reagan's legacy at the funeral, if I recall?

  2. He's always been a big proponent of special rights for gays if I remember correctly. I remember the laughs everybody got when they showed pictures of Ron Jr. in his frilly ballet outfits next to images of Pres. Reagan in a cowboy hat. Quite the contrast.
