Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Even Fox engages in spin......I'm disappointed

This was one of the headlines on FoxNation this morning:

Politicians Want Bath Salts Banned

Pretty alarming from a conservative point of view. I reflexively imagined a smarmy politician like Bloomberg banning bath salts because it contained the world "salt". Fox knew it would get it's readers all worked up into an over-regulation, anti-government lather. Turns out that the government isn't planning on banning bath salts, but that a new, very dangerous, synthetic form of methamphetamine has surfaced and is being marketed as a bath salt to get around the usual regulations about herbal supplements and such. Apparently some kids in Mississippi have committed suicide after taking this drug and law enforcement is already trying to get laws passed to ban the sale of this drug as a bath salt.

It's completely not what the headline would lead you to believe. I resent Fox manipulating it's readers by luring us in with outrageous, intentionally misleading headlines. Fox and Friends does the same thing in the morning. They regularly tease a story in a salacious way but then when you watch it, it turns out not to be about what they teased, rather something innocuous and trivial. Fox should stop this practice as I'm starting to tune out and watch other stations in the morning.

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