Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Obama humiliates republicans in their own back yard

It's embarrassing that Pres. Obama is the one who's calling for deregulation of the business environment in which we've toiled lo, these many years.....

From CNBC -- President Barack Obama Tuesday ordered a government-wide review of regulations with the goal of eliminating those that hurt job creation and make the U.S. economy less competitive.

Obama took action after unveiling his plan in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal in which he said some rules have placed "unreasonable burdens on business — burdens that have stifled innovation and have had a chilling effect on growth and jobs."

Where are the new small-government republicans on this? With jobs having been front and center of the American psyche for like 3 years, it's shameful that a quasi-socialist President is calling for regulatory reform and not the republicans. I"ll believe it when I see it, but I"ll applaud Chairman Zero if this turns into an actual relaxing of the onerous regulations that stifle growth and tamp down entrepreneurship in the business world. To help out the President, House republicans should have at the ready a laundry list of idiotic federal regulations that should be reviewed and tossed out. Republicans aren't known for their political daftness so I doubt they saw this coming and were as surprised as I was.


  1. I am under the impression that rolling back the insane regulatory regime is one of the major objectives of the Congressional Republicans. I tried hard to read Obama's piece this morning, but it's basically just boilerplate.

  2. Really? Laura Ingraham seemed to be sort of cautiously optimistic about all this. I can't honestly imagine Obama volunteering to get government out of the small business sector by any measure, but if it means the differene in re-election and an embarrassing one-term legacy, he might embrace it. Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it. The announcement just surprised me. It's like he's right-flanking the republicans the way Clinton did.

  3. In reality, his EPA is shutting down a major coal mine in WV (and p'ing off both Democrat senators), they're imposing "cap and tax" by regulation. No one can drill for oil in this country. Second hand children's stuff is being sent to landfills because nobody can afford to certify it doesn't contain lead. I could go on and on, as could you, I'm sure.

    A fake-out article in the WSJ can't change that.
