Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chris Matthews makes a useful stooge out of Michael Steele

Liberal toads like Chris Matthews love to invite black RINO's like Colin Powell and Michael Steele on their shows because they let him get away with using the racism charge against the GOP every time. It's embarrassing. Here's Matthews to Michael Steele.....

From Newsbusters -- "I go to Republican convention; I go to Democrat [convention] and as a white guy one of the things I notice about the difference – one thing I notice about black people at different conventions [is] you go to the Democrat convention [and] black folk are hanging together, having a good time. They’re smiling and enjoying themselves. They feel very much at home. You go to Republican [convention] – you get the feeling you are all told individually ‘now don’t bunch up; don’t get together, don’t crowd or you’ll scare these people’. Is that true in the Republican Party? Is that still true in your party?

Did you fear that if you got together with some other African Americans that white guys might get scared of you?"

By not calling him on that lie right on the spot, Steele basically confirmed the demcrats' favorite meme regarding the GOP...that they are racist bigots who are afraid of blacks in groups of more than three.

Also, did you notice how Matthews said, "Is that still true in your party?" He had to couch the question in the framework of the historical racism of the GOP. Why didn't Steele point out that it's always been the republican party that fought for equality and civil rights and the democrat party that resisted it? Why didn't he point out that democrat party policies have kept blacks dependent, poor, and uneducated and that republican policies would free minorities to achieve and succeed, limited only by their own selves? Michael Steel, like Colin Powell, wants desperately to be liked by the DC media so they let the racism charge slide.

I am ashamed of Steele for not standing up to that and I'm glad that he's no longer the RNC chair for that reason. He let Chris Matthews use him like a stooge on national TV. When he and Colin Powell get together at the next DC cocktail party, I wonder if their white hosts will get nervous?


  1. Well, what did Steele say to Matthews provocation? Can't tell from this.

  2. You can go to Newsbusters and read the transcript but basically after saying,
    "Look I'm just saying - we could've used a few more brothers in the house, there's no doubt about that. No seriously, but--

    he went on to talk about what a good job he tried to do as RNC chair. It was a lame attempt at a rebuttal, if you could even call it that. Certainly it was far less than what was warrented by Matthew's stupid statement.

  3. You're right, Ed. There is far too much "accepting the premise" involved when appearing on these type shows.

    He might have pointed out that if the blacks at a Republican convention did "bunch up", then Matthews would say that's a sign of them being rejected by the whites. It's clearly a no-win.

  4. There may be some liberal hosts that don't ambush guests like this, and we certainly criticize them for not coming on our shows, but surely Hardball isn't a show that any conservative should be going on, unless it's Ann Coulter or somebody who can hold their own. Steele looked clueless.

  5. Why would any sane person go on MSNBC at all? Who watches it?

    As for that, is Microsoft still involved in this? That's what the MS part means. It doesn't give me any warm and fuzzy feelings towards their company.

  6. I know Bill and Melinda Gates are big liberals and the whole software culture is pretty liberal and hippie-infested. Hard to imagine given their abysmal ratings that MS-NBC competes with advertising the way FOX and others do. I mean, how do they keep the doors open without being subsidized by a generous benefactor?
