Friday, January 07, 2011

New York City turning into Detroit

New York City -- Labor unions causing deaths by not cleaning up snow, rat population exploding because union garbage men left thousands of tons of garbage unpicked-up, and now a citizen attacked and almost killed by vicious dogs. How much more bad can happen to those people? What a tragic dump of a city! I've never had the slightest desire to go there.

Detroit and New Orleans are the two worst cities in America and they have been completely mismanaged by democrats for coincidence that. By electing that effette idiot Bloomberg, New Yorkers have shown that the Detroit city-model is the one for which they want to strive.

Good luck with that....suckers!


  1. Nice to condemn a place you have never been and to take two odd examples as the downfall of a metropolis. I am not sure why you would post such a fear mongering article with no such basis in reality. Is it a reason to bash Bloomberg or just New Yorkers in general?

    You have some good points elsewhere on your blog but it is posts like this that paint you to be fairly ignorant.

  2. Heh heh, thanks for that anon. I'm sure New Yorkers are fine people, except for their choices in mayors of course, and except for their tolerance of lazy, good-for-nothing, over-paid public union "workers".
    *Why would a city of taxpayers accept garbage men being paid $150,000 a year, and then refuse to pick up the garbage because of some union gripe?
    *Why would a city of taxpayers accept the city street cleaners directly causing by their negligence a half dozen deaths, by refusing to clean the steets of snow in a timely manner?
    *Why would a city of taxpayers accept a mayor who dictates to them how much salt they're allowed to sprinkle on their food?
    *Why would a city of taxpayers accept a mayor who wants to regulate trans-fats in all food sold in the city?
    Anon, these aren't isolated incidents. New York is being stifled by absurdly high wages for unionized garbage men, transit workers, street cleaners, service industry workers, etc.
    There's garbage in the streets to the point that the rat population is exploding. You might have the makings of another Bubonic plague on your hands. Is Bloomberg going to do anything to the unions who're responsible for those deaths? No, because as a liberal, he's beholden to them for votes. He doesn't care that those people died. He only cares that the unions will vote for him in the next election.
    Birmingham may not be as exciting as New York but at least our streets are relatively clean of garbage and we don't have packs of dogs eating people.

  3. You don't have to visit a place to know it's a hell hole. Michigan, California, and New York are canaries in the coal mine. Leading indicators of things to come if we don't check liberalism. To be ignored at our own peril.

  4. I forgot to mention New Orleans; a hellhole propped up by liberalism and political correctness. Establish and support a "coastal" city which is below sea level? Are we F$%king crazy. If you want to live their you should do so but don't expect me to subsidize you existence. No thanks.

  5. Wow Ed, you really are a dope. You clearly have no grasp of New York politics nor anything that is going on the city. Yet you are very quick to judge things. This smacks of ignorance to me.

    first off they are dealing with the people responsible for the recent blizzard issues. Secondly 6 people didn't die because of the blizzard. Also how do any of Bloomberg's nutritional policies effect any of this? Judging from your picture it looks like you could use some of his advice.

    Also you might want to settle down with your inferiority complex. No one was putting down Birmingham. Unlike you, I like traveling and thought Birmingham was a great city. Dreamland BBQ is a destination in and of itself.

    I like the rest of your blog though. Fear mongering is cool.

  6. David,

    Yes you do have to actually visit a place before you can make a judgement. It is called being rational and realizing things are a lot more complex than liberal vs conservative.

  7. Actually I have been to NO. I will not return. It IS a hellhole.

    And, yes, things are more complex but for the sake of this blog and conversation, I think the use of liberal and conservative is appropriate.

  8. Anon, "judging from my picture"? Do I look fat to you? I think I look pretty good.

    The blizzards did not cause the 6 deaths. Intentional negligence on the part of overpaid union thugs killed those people. Spin it any way you like, but the city unions have blood on their hands.

    And politics does play a part in the bigger picture of what's happening in cities like NO, Detroit, and now New York. Unions, the biggest democrat constituency other than welfare recipients, are coddled by democrat politicians. The snow deaths and the garbage pile up are symptomatic of union control of your city. The dog story is just what got my attention.

  9. Get rid of these government workers and hire Michael Vick. We all know HE can handle the dog issue.
