Friday, January 07, 2011

Arizona is the immigration canary in the coalmine

Tired of the federal government's continued failure to lift even a finger to stem the tide of illegal aliens invading it's border with Mexico, where they carelessly leave 2,000 tons of garbage yearly, Arizona has launched a website to draw attention to the problem of alien garbage dumping along its border with Mexico.

Despicable democrats think illegal aliens will be an unbeatable voting block while craven republicans want to give their friends in business cheap labor. Both are corrupt, depraved, and spineless for failing to address the alien problem because it benefits them politically not to.

The degenerated condition of Arizona's border is a canary in the coalmine that is America, if the border isn't closed and immigration of third-world peasants with their hands out isn't controlled.


  1. Oops! Yesterday I purchased a guitar that was made in Mexico. But it was by an American company.

  2. With taxes, regulations, labor unions, and environmental impact study costs, who can blame a company for outsourcing its production?
