Sunday, January 09, 2011

Left-wing media bias on display

Remember immediately after the Fort Hood massacre by a deranged Muslim, the media, including Wolf Blitzer and Pres. Obama cautioned all Americans not to pre-judge the motives of the shooter until all the evidence was in and not "rush to judge" before we have the facts? We were lectured by Blitzer about impugning all Muslims because of the acts of one lunatic. We were chastised by Blitzer and others jumping to conclusions and warned about emotional, inflammatory rhetoric.

Well, ever since the Tuscon shooting, Blitzer and others have been trying to closely link Sarah Palin to the shooter of Rep. Gifford, a democrat. CNN showed repeatedly the clip of Rep. Gifford complaining about a cross-hair over her district on Palin's website leading up to the 2010 elections. Even possible tea-party membership was wondered about for the shooter despite the fact that not a single shred of evidence that this guy had anything whatsoever to do with any tea party exists.

Where were the cautions against rushing to judge this time? Why didn't Obama caution the American people against inflammatory rhetoric? Is it because Rep. Gifford is a democrat and this can be used as a cudgel with which to pound the tea-party, Sarah Palin, and 2nd amendment conservatives? What if this had been a republican who got shot? Wolf and Obama would be cautioning against rushing to judge the shooter as a liberal or associated with any liberal cause.

What a corrupt, decrepit media we have in this country that they would politicize something like this within 24hours of it happening. Wolf should be ashamed. I'm ashamed of him and if they were honest, his wife, kids, and his parents are probably ashamed of him too.


  1. Hey, Wolf, according to Caitie Parker, a former high school classmate of Jared Loughner's, he is a liberal, not a conservative.

    Oh, and one of his favorite books is Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto. Not exactly a conservative book club selection-of-the-month.

  2. Wolf couldn't resist trying to blame Sarah Palin and the tea-party movement for this. The absurd thing is that he thinks he's being a responsible journalist. He's one of those liberals who thinks that communism is more right wing and doesn't realize it's liberalism without the state-sanctioned killing.

  3. Speaking of Sarah Palin, I ran across this headline this morning: "Sarah Palin's reality show Alaska axed after just one season".

    Is her 15 minutes, mercifully, coming to an end? We can only hope so.

  4. I watch the Palin show. In the cesspool that is network TV, it's not the worst of it.

  5. It's now been revealed that the "infamous crosshairs" on Sarah Palin's website of Democratic districts were in fact surveyors symbols or register marks. The actual bull's-eyes were on a 2004 Democrat Leadership Council ad targeting Republicans.

    Never let facts get in the way of establishing a template.

    via Powerline
