Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Excuse for light posting

Sorry for the light posting the past couple of days, but I've been seriously under the weather. Once a year I get this really bad cough and cold that lasts about a week and it just sucks all the inspiration out of me. I'll try to get back on the horse today so stay tuned.

Thanks, Ed


  1. Feel Better, Ed. You got snow down there to shovel?

  2. Get well soon.

    I am homebound in ATL due to snow!

  3. Hey Pat, mostly sleet. The roads are open but most businesses are still closed. Now, that mey be because of the weather or the employers know that half their workforce are Auburn fans and would be calling in hung-over anyway.

  4. Are the other half 'Bama fans who are p'd off that AU won this year?

  5. Bill, Dianne and I had this discussion several times this weekend. We have both Auburn and Bama friends who get more pleasure from the other team losing than from their own team winning. That's how much they hate each other in this state. We have a kid at Auburn but we don't hate Alabama. We're happy for the state and the SEC to have double back-to-backs. Seriously, the hate is pathological over here.

  6. Hey Bill, how about sending me your e-mail address. Mine is ephillips@uab.edu.
