Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Justice - long delayed


My son, who is now 26, went to a nice elementary school on a quiet tree lined street in Atlanta. Two years BEFORE he ever started there, a young woman named Julie Love had the misfortune to run out of gas nearby and start walking. She was kidnapped, raped, and shot in the head with a shotgun by one Emanuel Hammond. A year later, Hammond's erstwhile girlfriend, who had been there that night, turned him in. Seems she had gotten wind that he considered her a dangerous loose end. Hammond was convicted and sentenced to death in 1990 - 21 years ago.

Finally, tonight at 7, barring his defense attorneys finding a judge to listen to their contention that the drugs to be used aren't "safe", he will at last receive justice. He has had 23 years to make his peace with the Lord, something Julie Love never had.


  1. Good riddance. There's an especially hot place in hell for guys like this....and the taxpayers could use the break from supporting him on death row all these years.

  2. No family should ever have to wait that long for justice. It should be swift and, if necessary, harsh. They should have put him in the ground at least 20 years ago...

  3. Justice Clarence Thomas, of all people, gave this (blank) a stay tonight based on the ridiculous issue of where the drugs were made. It's enough to make one weep.

  4. What? He got a stay? From Thomas? Unbelievable!

  5. It was only a temporary stay to allow more discussion, I suppose. Anyway, justice was done after a brief delay.

  6. It really is very sad that pieces of $hit like this have absolutely no respect whatsoever for life. People like this have no fkin soul, they are dead inside their hearts. I pray that our beautiful lord Jesus Christ sends them to where they belong which is in torment for eternity. I pray every last person on this planet that has ever took an innocent life no matter how it was taken, I pray every single one of them get the equal justice they've given their victims if not worse. It's really sad an innocent person cannot enjoy their only life that God has given them. I pray God will come back and rid this ugly world of all of its evil within and if he has to destroy this world then so be it, at least there would be no more evil.
