Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hezbollah officially takes control of Lebanon

The terrorist organization Hezbollah, heavily financed by Iran, just completed their political coup-de-tat in Lebanon, sparking violent demonstrations by opposition supporters, and have installed their Sunni stooge as prime minister....

From NYTimes -- After days of political wrangling, the candidate supported by Hezbollah and its allies, Najib Miqati, a billionaire and former prime minister, won 68 seats in Lebanon’s 128-member parliament, enough to name the next government in a country as divided as it is diverse. His elevation was a clear victory for Hezbollah, which has ruled out Mr. Hariri’s return to power, and was the culmination of what was already accepted as a fact of life here: that Hezbollah is the country’s pre-eminent military and political force.

It has been widely reported that Hezbollah operatives intimidated and threatened anybody who would oppose them. I wonder if Obama will continue to funnel 100's of millions in taxpayer dollars to Lebanon now that terrorists officially run the joint? As long as he's promising to cut spending, might as well start by stopping all aid to Lebanon and cutting of all funding of UN operations. That would be a good start.

There are those(I'm talking to you Glen) who would suggest that we stop all aid to Israel too. It may surprise you to find that I would support a gradual draw down of financial support of Israel as they build up their economy toward independence. 60 or so years of underwriting care of US taxpayers is probably enough already. On the other hand, we'd need to balance the money savings with the likelihood of an attack by the Arab community that would wipe Israel off the map. Is that an acceptable eventuality in the 21st Century?

My opinion is that Israel needs to stand economically more on her own but we should always make sure her enemies know that she enjoys our military protection. But that's just me.


  1. One of the reasons Hezbollah is able to pull this off is due to religious cleansing, i.e. of Christians. This is going on in Lebanon as it is throughout the Islamic world.

  2. Man, what's going to happen when the mid-east, east-Asia, and maybe south America explode in regional conflict simultaneously? What do we do, invade Canada just to get in on the fun? I mean the timing of this stuff is starting to look biblically apocalyptic.

  3. "... that would wipe Israel off the map."

    You say that as though it would be a bad thing, Ed.
