Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Do the birthers have a legitimate point?

I hate to keep returning to this story but it won't go away. Much to the delight of Obama birther conspiracists everywhere, Hawaii's dopey governor Neil Abercrombie has been keeping the birth-certificate issue alive for months. He's been promising to produce the document, from the one hospital on the island where babies were born in the early 60's, that proves once and for all that Chairman Zero was born in Hawaii. But he has yet to produce it.

As an Obama lick spittle, gov. Ab cannot accept that his hero may not have been born in the US and is therefore disqualifies from being President. Lapdog Obama supporters point to the newspaper announcement as proof, but any grandparent could have called in the birth announcement. Also, not a single doctor who worked at that hospital at the time can be found who remembers the Obama birth. A black baby being born to a white woman would have been remembered in the early 60's....even in Hawaii.

I've never been a birther but I'm starting to pay attention to the glaring questions right in front of me, thanks to Abercrombie's incessant rambling about, but failure to produce, the document. Specifically, if the Constitution says that the President must be born in the US, why isn't every candidate compelled to prove that? Just askin'.


  1. Rush thinks this is all a setup to lure people like him into sticking their feet into the birther tar pit. His instincts are rarely wrong.

  2. I'm not ready to announce that I'm a birther, but aren't you a little curious? I'd like to have the question answered once and for all.

  3. Sure I'm curious, but to this date the birthers have been among the most valuable (to Obama) of all his critics.

  4. They have a picture of his Hawaii birth certificate on the internet and it has been accepted as genuine.

    you can link to the actual photo from here.

  5. BTW MCains eligibility was questioned by some because he was actually born in the Panama Canal Zone. Technically not actual US soil.

  6. Both of Obama's parents were students at the University of Hawaii. The present governor of the state Neil Abercrombie knew them. So Obama's mom gets pregnant and so they travel to his father's home Kenya, which is a very expensive flight by the way, so that their son can be born in a 3rd word hospital. Yeah that makes perfect sense to me.
