Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Australia Day


We have allies in the wars for freedom, and like our guys, they have both supporters at home and those who would stab them in the back.  Here's a poster girl of the former, via Blackfive.


  1. "...fight for freedom in a job that must be done"?

    What a load of hooey! America's current wars of aggression have nothing whatsoever to do with freedom. Nothing.

    U.S. service men and women are not doing a job that must be done; they are cannon fodder for a relatively small cadre of evil men intent on bringing the populations of the world under their control.

    Our military personnel are being used as tools and patsies for the NWO.

    Freedom's not what they have in mind for you and me. It is death to most and slavery for the rest.

  2. Glen, regardless of what we think about being in other peoples' business, have you considered for a minute the possibility that it's not our freedom for which we fight, but the freedom of Iraqis from the tyrannical brutality of the Hussein regime or the freedom of Afghanis from the ridiculous rule of terror of the Taliban in Afghanistan?

  3. Or for that matter, we fought for the freedom of all of Europe from Hitler, the freedom of Koreans from the communist north, the freedom of the Vietnamese from the murdering communist north, or the freedom from ethnic cleansing in what used to be Yugoslavia? If you think about it, we rarely fight for our own freedom, but always for the freedom of others. It's what sets America apart from virtually every other country. Whether we should be doing it is debatable, but what isn't is the noble intent of doing it.

    I realize I sound like an idealist rather than the cynic that I am, but isn't it possible that we undertake these campaigns not only for our own financial and political benefit but for the freedom of oppressed people as well, just because it's the right thing to do?

  4. Hear, hear! Well written, Ed.

  5. @Ed "...isn't it possible...?"


  6. Succinct as always, Glen. Succinct and wrong.

  7. @Ed "Succinct as always, Glen. Succinct and wrong."

    Said the man who doesn't even know how and why the U.S. entered WWII; the man who swallowed a whole handful of blue pills and now believes every jingoistic cliché the NWO self-appointed utter.

    When (not if) America goes down the tubes it, in large measure, will be because of that kind of gullibility and naiveté.

  8. Glen, it's not naivete' to state facts such as American soldiers routinely fight for the freedom of others. That there may be a hidden military-industrial motive is a little conspiratorial sounding.

    And when do I sound gullible? I'm the first person to be skeptical about my government. I distrust government completely.

    That said, I don't think it's too late to recover America. You think it's carved in stone that America will collapse but I don't think it is just yet. Call that naive if you like, but I think there's still time to recover if we have the will to do it.

  9. @Ed "...there's still time to recover..."

    How can we recover when blue-pill-swallowers like you labor with all their might to advance the NWO's destructive agenda?

    I think you may be somewhat innocent in that you may actually believe the NWO propaganda that you repeat ad nauseam, but in this internet age, the truth is so readily available that you are NOT innocent, not really.

  10. It's kind of amazing to me that a tribute song to Aussie Diggers I posted in honor of Australia Day turned into a seminar on the pathology of hating one's own nation.

  11. Glen, please describe this New World Order by which you think I have been brainwashed and whose propaganda you believe I regurgitate.

  12. @Bill "...seminar on the pathology of hating one's own nation...."

    You are wrong, Bill. It is because I love my country that I want to protect it and its people from your brand of militaristic jingoism.

  13. @Ed "...Glen, please describe this New World Order...."

    When you are willing to move outside your comfort zone you will have no trouble whatsoever answering your own question because the self-appointed are smugly proud of their NWO plans and make no secret of them.

    Let me get you started: one goal is to reduce the world's population by up to 90%, starting with the Muslims. They have lots of "useful idiots" (their term, not mine) helping them with that one.

    Next come the Christians. After that, the Israelis. They are considered "useful idiots" (behind their back) too.

  14. What is the @ sh..?

  15. @Glen, I don't know where to begin. But it's too late to get into tonight, that's for sure.

  16. @Ed "I don't know where to begin."

    Don't begin. Neither you nor anonymous knows anything at all about the subject and so you have nothing to contribute.

  17. Glen, I read the article in Newsweek and that's when I knew why nobody had heard about this. This guy is a total kook, just like Fred Phelps, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Jim Jones, Ward Churchill, Charles Manson, and any one who takes seriously what they are saying.

    Just because this guy gave a speech advocating human extermination and other kooky, elitist scientists applauded, that doesn't amount to a government-military-science conspiracy to create a new world order with themselves in charge.

    I'm not saying that given the opportunity, these nuts wouldn't attempt to do what they advocate, I'm just saying that barring a series of calamatous oversights, they would never be allowed to actually kill 90% of the Earth's population.

    Tell me now, you don't honestly take these people seriously do you?

  18. I agree with you, Ed. I think they all are kooks.

    "A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
    Ted Turner

    "In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it."
    J. Cousteau

    "We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage."
    Mikhail Gorbachev

    "World population needs to be decreased by 50%"
    Henry Kissinger

    "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels."
    Prince Phillip

    "Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing."
    David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club

  19. Glen, all these morons are...well, morons. We've heard these eugenics arguments many times before and I think the people who say them are either trying to shock everybody to sell books or whatever, or they're simply nuts.

    There are no actual conspiracies to actually reduce the human population...I mean other than China's one-child policy but, even they have realized the folly of having a generation in which there are 20million men of marrying age, but no women to marry.

    This disparity is why some observers think China may be more likely to pick a war with else to get rid of a huge number of single men that would otherwise cause social unrest back home than to send them to war to be killed?

  20. @Ed " else to get rid of a huge number of single men that would otherwise cause social unrest back home than to send them to war to be killed?"

    Is that why you cheer when America sends its sons and daughters off to illegal, immoral and entirely unnecessary wars?

  21. Glen, I've argued many times against our reasons for remaining in Iraq and especially for going into Afghanistan in the first place. I've argued, in somewhat conflict with regular readers Bill and maybe David, that we need to be out of Afghanistan asap. I've argued against maintaining military bases in half the countries of the world. Nevertheless, that doesn't stop me from cheering when a marine sniper blows the heads of a bunch of insurgents or an Apache gun ship obliterates a building with terrorists hiding inside. I can disagree with the reasons for being there, but once there, you have to support what those guys are doing. Not necessarily the politicians but the troops themselves. Let me put it another way: I cheer for them tactically, the strategic issues are debateble.

  22. Ed, did you miss the post where the kook told you that you had nothing to contribute - to your own blog?

    You have 10 times the patience for "suffering fools gladly" than I.

  23. Well Bill, you really got one started with this post. It's amazing how these comment threads take on a life of their own.
