Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh puke!

House majority leader Eric Cantor has reportedly asked his counterpart, house minority leader Nancy Pelosi on a date for tonight's SOTU speech. In a mind-numbingly stupid display of what can only be described as kabuki theater, members of opposite parties are supposed to sit together to help heal the partisan riffs between them. And this is supposed to prevent another crazed madman from shooting anybody, ever again.

Did we award the republicans control of the House only to have them cozying up to the likes of Nancy Pelosi, just for the cameras? It's like some bizarre Sadie Hawkins dance or something. It's just a bunch of meaningless, feel-good BS and who besides the media is falling for it? Good grief, how stupid!

The two biggest stories tonight will be who sat next to whom and whether the supreme court justices show up after Obama kicked sand in their faces last year. I'm not sure I can bring myself to watch it....my stomach isn't strong enough.

UPDATE: Pelosi turned down Cantor's offer. How humiliating! Once again a democrat has owned and abused a gullible republican. Stop already with the pointless gestures. Do the work you were installed by the voters to do and stop trying to be liked by the press. They hate you and they always will. You will never change that.


  1. I have lots of stuff on the DVR for tonight, Ed.

    No need to make yourself ill watching this crap.

  2. I think I have several episodes of Wipeout and Hawaii-5-0 with which to entertain myself. I'll read about the SOTU tomorrow or maybe watch the recap on FOX to find out what happened.

  3. Maybe Pelosi doesn't want to sit next to a Jew.

  4. @anon, Pelosi sees how stupid this farcical bipartisan crap is and she's not having any of it. She's got more balls and sense than Cantor where this idiocy is concerned.
