Wednesday, November 03, 2010

You can't win 'em all

OK all you pot-addled retards in California, your state is an economic disaster area and you install as Governor, a high-tax, union thug. His brand of leadership is what got you in the mess you're in. He's not going to rein in the quasi-criminal unions in your state or trim the budget, he's going to raise every body's taxes to hand over to them. The producers will continue to flee your state and California will finally crumble completely and become the utter calamity that you've just asked for by electing Brown.

I'd be laughing harder at your self-destructive, abject stupidity but when you inevitably collapse, you'll take the rest of the country with you. Don't be so sure about receiving that federal bailout Arnold's been hinting at. You don't deserve it and I doubt Boehner is in the mood to allow it.


  1. California seems to be too far gone for redemption, at least anytime soon. It's such a huge state - although soon to start shrinking - that it hurts the whole nation with its self-destructive behavior.

  2. If the republicans go along with a federal bailout of California based on the too-big-to-fail canard, this election will have been the last in which I vote republican or donate money to republican candidates. I don't give a damn what happens to that state.

  3. Without in any way endorsing a federal bailout of California (although most of the "stimulus" was bailouts to states), I don't see how any American can responsibly take that attitude, Ed. I've already said why I think so above, so I won't repeat myself. All IMHO, of course.

  4. Bill, the stimulus was a boondoggle that did nothing but put a few state workers busy digging ditches or whatever at about $500,000 per job "created".

    I see this as a black and white question: With a gov. Whitman, they probably would have avoided becoming Greece, but with gov. Brown, they will certainly be our Greece in a few short years of not before. The question is do we support the federal government taking money from us to fork over to the unions in California, or are we prepared for them to finally, as Donald Fagan aptly put it, tumble into the sea?

    How can we as conservatives, having fought for fiscal responsibility, and fought against TARP I, Stimulus I, Bank bailouts, Fannie and Freddie bailouts, GM and Chrysler bailouts, etc, now take the position that the biggest bailout of all, which this would be, is OK? What ever happens to California in the next couple of years under moonbat Brown, I will not support a bailout of that miserable, degenerated state. Once we start accepting as OK, any federal bailout of any entity, then Pandora's box is open and cannot be closed again. All bailouts can then be rationalized as OK. I can't think of a single instance which would earn my support of a self-destructive state or company bailout by the government. I guess everybody has his or her own lines across which they cannot be dragged and government bailouts are mine.

  5. I think we're talking past each other, Ed. I didn't and don't endorse a bailout of any state. I was reacting to your statement that "I don't give a damn what happens to that state."

    I'll take it that you were using quite justified hyperbole in opposing a federal bailout. Being way too literal minded, I say that a state with 55 congressmen and electoral votes and 13% of the US GDP effects us all quite a bit whether we care of not.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Bill, it was hyperbole and I do care what happens to CA, but only because that state is an albatros around our collective necks. It's just unbelievable to me that those retards would elect Jerry Brown the unionist over a proven, job-creating business woman as governor. I'll be shocked if Jerry Brown makes even one good decision about how to get CA out of debt and back on sound economic footing....SHOCKED!
