Tuesday, November 02, 2010

The Lion says, "Mmmmmm...ribs!"

If we've learned nothing else on TRR it's that you never taunt the carnivores at the zoo. That's asking for trouble. Well, it seems the same rule applies in Africa, they just haven't gotten the memo yet....

From NYDailyNews -- Three lions proved who's at the top of the food chain when they pulled an inebriated worker who was taunting them into their enclosure and devoured him before his horrified friend, authorities said.

The friend, identified only as "Simon," ran for help and brought back several tourists who were staying in a nearby chalet, but it was too late.

"It was horrific," one of the tourists, Veluchia Hassim told South Africa's News 24 TV. "The one lion was gnawing on his ribs when we got there."

Heh heh, gnawing on his ribs....that's priceless! Here's a helpful picture of the last thing the dude probably saw before Darwin claimed him

Hat tip to Belchspeak for the link.

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