Thursday, November 04, 2010

Democrats are seething today

Here's what my wife's very good, democrat friends sent to her by e-mail today...

Their relationship has always been apolitical for the most part, or at least politically cordial, so why the bitter resentment? I think democrats are upset with Obama that he hasn't done more and they resent the glee with which Tea Party conservatives seized the election dialogue. They see that the age of Obama is over and their hopes and dreams of a social welfare-state utopia have been dashed once and for all on the jagged rocks of Tea Party conservatism.

Still, you hate to see long-time friendships irreparably harmed by political disagreements.


  1. They accused us of racism before the 2008 election if we weren't going to vote for such an obviously superior candidate. They accused us of racism for opposing his agenda over the past 22 months. I fear we ain't seen nothing yet if they start to worry he will go down to defeat in 2012.

  2. If the Boehner in the house and McConnel with some blue-dog democrats in the senate keep sending bills up for Obama to veto, he just might read the tea leaves and decide to take his talents and go back to pamphleteering on Chicago street corners like the old days. Seriously, I think it's a possibility that he won't run. I don't think he's got the heart for it this time around. The adoration and worship won't be part of it and there will be plenty of democrats, 20 in the senate alone, worrying about their jobs that they won't hesitate to go against him. His skin is too thin and his ego to large to take that kind of rejection.

  3. You may be on to something, Ed. It would be marketed as a principled thing, the great work having been done. I doubt he enjoys the actual job - he shows no sign of it, and cares not one wit for the history and traditions of this nation or the office.

  4. Yeah traditions like being White and in Power. Racist numbnuts. Teabaggers unite in a circle jerk of hatred and lies. Bush can't even write his own memoirs without a cut and paste laziness. Good ole days when good ole boys ruled with deceit and murder.

  5. Point the finger up your ass BUDDY
