Thursday, November 04, 2010

The dainty President

This is the silliest thing I've ever seen.....

In preparation for Obama's visit, authorities in India have ordered that all coconuts be removed from the coconut trees to eliminate the possibility that one might fall on his head. Seriously.

Is Obama so delicate and fragile that he has to be protected from falling coconuts? What a sissy! I've never seen a head of state, king, or princess be coddled like this. In India, do they still worship Obama as a deity on Earth the way America's stupidest voters did two years ago?

They're also talking about having the US Army erect a 1km long above-ground, air-conditioned, bomb-proof tunnel from Obama's hotel to Ghandi's shrine or somewhere because the only routes are heavily populated and not defensible enough by security.
Hello, it's frickin' India! The whole country is heavily populated! If heavy populations represent an unacceptable security risk to the Obamessiah, why go to India? I swear, every decision this administration makes is wholly unexplainable.

1 comment:

  1. Your BLOG is unexplainable; how does someone become so messed up and delusion. Must be the factory food you eat. Drink Pepsi or Coke?
