Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who doesn't love Chris Christy? Overpaid bureaucrats, that's who

Up in New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie is reforming that state's dreadful education system beginning with the teachers' unions. As part of that reform, he is limiting the salaries of education bureaucrats based on the number of students in that system. Apparently, some poor schlub named LeRoy Seitz tried to get around the new salary guidelines....

This dude is naming names in his righteous fight against corruption, entrenched bureaucrats, fraud, waste, and abuse at taxpayer expense. Every state needs a governor like Christie to take on the greedy teachers' unions.


  1. Yeah teachers do deserve rights. Lets get rid of all unions and roll back minimum wage while we are at it. TOOL

  2. I couldn't agree more anon. Getting rid of all unions and not only rolling back the minimum wage, but eliminating it entirely would go a long way toward rectifying much of what is wrong with our country.

    Seems you are a useful-idiot tool of the Left aren't you, anon?
