Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Tribute/Rant

Today is November 11th. It is a day of mixed emotions for me. Patriotism is dying by the minute in our country. Loyalty and devotion seemingly are departing as well. I can only speak for me, but here it is, from the heart, and maybe that hurts the most.
My Dad would a brisk 87 today, if he still lived. He served our country in WWII, the war to end all wars. He served proudly in the US Army. He was decorated and honored, and yet all was done with humility and decency. He asked for nothing other than to get on with his life. As I sit here at my laptop, many Americans celebrate an off day today. This celebration should be centered and focused on our veterans and their service, instead of just a day off from school or work without remembrance as it currently stands.
We have soldiers serving in foreign countries, away from family and friends, in harms way- daily, yet no support, thanks or thoughts are offered. The press constantly ridicules the war effort, and thereby derides the fighting men and women, and all of their predecessors.
Dad, nor any of his counterparts never asked for recognition. All they did was uproot themselves, go half way around the world, fight for freedom and against tyranny, win, and return home without fanfare. They then returned to school or work and expected nothing. It was their duty as Americans as they saw it. We should know differently.
The least we can do is to stop for a moment, slow our busy schedules and say a prayer to honor and thank our veterans and to also show support for the soldiers "in country" as we speak. As you read this, if American, your freedoms were earned by these former and current soldiers and their sacrifices. They are ours but were paid for at huge cost. Think of the millions of families that lost loved ones in all of these wars. How do they feel?
I doff my cap with tears in my eyes this morning to all our veterans, and our soldiers. I say thanks from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for your sacrifices, thanks for your honor, devotion and dedication to this country. Maybe someone reading this will change their attitude. I hope so.
Ed, David, my friends Cecil and Brian who are in the middle east somewhere, to all those unnamed but not forgotten soldiers and veterans -THANKS. To my dad and all his counterparts, both living and dead please accept my appreciation and my apologies as you have been overlooked for years.
HAPPY VETERANS DAY AMERICA! Remember without them where would we be?


  1. Freedom to be corporate tools

  2. Anon, by "corporate tool" you must mean anybody who has a job working for a corporation. So who paid for the computer you use to bang out your screed from your mother's basement den? And don't try to tell me you're at the public library....I doubt you read that much.

  3. I paid for it and I don't work for any corporations that harm the planet, do you?
