Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Obama administration hypicrisy

With Obama traipsing around the Asian continent trashing the US and our allies, that leaves Biden to his own devices here at home.....

From LATimesBlog -- Possibly the most important event of the vice president's day Tuesday is to meet at 2:15 with Earl Devaney. Everyone knows him as chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board -- the top guy monitoring the gazillion-dollar stimulus and the overdue economic recovery, and ensuring that the taxpayers who're financing it know all about it.

However, no one outside the room will know what goes on in that Biden-Devaney meeting. That's because the government meeting on government transparency has been closed.

Scheming to hide their motives and agenda from the American people until the last possible minute is the hallmark of the Obama administration. They don't dare tell the truth about what they're doing because they know the voters will revolt. The farcical meeting on transparency being closed-door, without a clue as to the irony of that, is perfectly illustrious of the absurdity of having a ghetto pamphleteer and a half-witted imbecile as President and VP.

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