Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Knoxville wife exercises her 2nd Amendment rights, with predictable results

Home invasions are on the rise people, even when the owners are home. Here's a disturbing story from Knoxville....

From KnoxNews -- For the sixth time in five months, there's been gunfire during a South Knox County home robbery.

The latest incident, Monday night, involved a woman shooting and killing a man with a lengthy criminal history during a home invasion robbery after the intruder had struggled with and shot her husband, authorities said Tuesday.

When officers arrived, they found Joshua Dexter Watson, 24, of Knoxville dead from multiple wounds administered by a .357-caliber revolver belonging to the homeowners, DeBusk said.

Heh heh..."administered by a .357". That's a nice way of saying she triple tapped that dude till he stopped moving. Good for her!

The .357 revolver in the hands of a determined home owner makes quite the effective crime deterrent....that is if certain death can be considered a deterrent.


  1. The 2nd Amendment in states where it's honored makes every thug think twice about doing crap like this. If a homeowner in formerly free England did such a thing they'd be up on horrendous charges. Next time you read about how somebody like "moderate independent" Mayor Bloomberg of NYC would make a good president, think about his attempts to outlaw private ownership of guns.

    I was reading a thread on another blog speculating that a Mumbai type attack on a US city would meet much more effective resistance from free citizens shooting back and even heading toward the scene to assist the cops in putting the terrorists down.

  2. Right you are Bill. An armed citizenry gives pause to any entity, governmental or criminal, who might try to control or harm it.
