Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Scarlett Johansson is a dingbat

Sadly we must add Scarlett Johansson to the long list of celebrity nitwits who have swallowed the global-warming hokum fabricated in the dark recesses of Al Gore's tormented mind, that is when he's not sexually molesting hotel masseuses. The buxom actress thinks it's up to rich countries to save poor countries from the imaginary effects of a warming planet by what else, redistributing wealth. She encourages rich nations to save the poor by.....

"...setting up a new global climate fund that is fair and safe and enables vulnerable people, especially women, in poor countries to build resilience to the growing threats of a changing climate. Progress on climate funding will also help restore trust between poor and rich countries, opening new doors for more constructive dialogue."

Despite man-made global warming having been totally and completely debunked as crap, celebrities still feel self-important and socially relevant when they pretend to stand up for the "less fortunate" and lecture the rest of us about how our lifestyles harm others. We're supposed to ignore that the average celebrity halfwit conspicuously consumes many times the resources as the average American for whom they show contempt.

Scarlett should stick to acting and looking good in a dress and leave the issue debates and public policy to grown ups who've actually given this stuff some thought.

Thanks to Politico for the story.


  1. Besides the fact that the US is BANKRUPT and far from "rich." Individuals in the US may be "rich," people like her, but the nation as a whole is, well, in a HOLE.

  2. "especially women"? These words tell me there is more to her moronic agenda.
