Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fake-pot heads now the target of the authorities

As if the nation's jails aren't unnecessarily filled with two-bit pot heads as it is, the authorities have decided to start busting fake-pot heads too....

From MSNBC -- WASHINGTON — Cracking down on fake pot, the government began emergency action Wednesday to outlaw five chemicals used in herbal blends to make synthetic marijuana. They're sold in drug paraphernalia shops and on the Internet to a burgeoning market of teens and young adults.

The purpose of banning these substances is so that anybody caught using or selling it can be arrested the same way actual marijuana users are now. Why are we wasting law enforcement's time with this when these morons who are so desperate to get a high that they'll smoke, swallow, or inject literally anything, regardless of how dangerous and unknown the side effects are. These idiots will self-remove from the population. They're the same ones who have brain damage now from a youth spent huffing aerosol cans and sniffing glue. I don't think we should waste tax dollars and jail space, better suited for violent criminals, on stupid junkies. They'll never amount to anything and will always be dependent on their parents or taxpayers anyway.

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