Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Heartache.....Sarah Palin's a band-wagon populist now

Look, I'll be the first to come to Sarah Palin's defense when it comes to policy issues and if she won the GOP nomination she'd get my enthusiastic vote but, she'd have to show that she knows the difference between domestic law enforcement and international law. This was her tweet about the Wikileaks case....

Inexplicable: I recently won in court to stop my book "America by Heart" from being leaked, but US Govt can't stop Wikileaks' treasonous act?

Wikileaks is based in Sweden and our courts have no jurisdiction there. Nor does Wikileaks founder Julian Assange have to abide by demands by our State Department or the Obama administration to not publish documents. Furthermore, why does everybody keep calling him a traitor and guilty of treason? He's not an American citizen. He's an Australian national living in Sweden. Is Assange a detestable, anti-American a-hole? Certainly, but he's not a traitor to the US. Plus, I doubt seriously if neutral Sweden would extradite him to the US to face charges of espionage. Palin should know this and stop with the phoney populist outrage.

Face it Americans. The fault of this document theft does not lie with Assange. It lies equally with private Manning and others who stole the documents and with the US government who failed miserably to secure them in the first place. If you want to be outraged, be outraged at the breathtaking incompetence of the federal bureaucracy in the State department.


  1. I just saw that "wikileaks" has come under "a powerful cyber attack". About damn time!

  2. Hey I don't have a problem with the US government stopping Assange any way thay can. John Hawkins over at RightWingNews listed 5 reasons why the CIA should assissinate him....can't say I'd have a problem with that either.

    All I'm saying is if the horses get out of the barn, by all means get them back, but blame the person who left the door open, not the rustlers who now have your horses.

  3. I have read in two places today (WSJ and Blackfive) that we could consider him a "enemy combatant". Is anyone aware of any leaks he has done against any country besides the USA?

    "Hey, what's that funny little airplace up there and why is that missile coming right at me......?"

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Eric Holder might have an opinion now that it's become embarrassing to Chairman Zero, but he's in Europe or somewhere watching soccer matches and drumming up support for the US to host the 2022World Cup. Eric Holder should be considered an enemy combatant in my opinion.

    The expionage law under which Assange might be prosecuted was written in 1917 I think, well before SCOTUS expanded the 1st amendment. Prosecuting Assange would be a crap shoot.

    I'm telling you, the people whose heads should roll are the ones who gave over 3 million Americans unfettered access to these documents. They were asking for them to be stolen. Assissinate Assange, hang Manning, and blow up the Wikileaks servers...I have no problem with that but they aren't to blame for the leak.

    It's like blaming a fence for the theft of your wife's pearl necklace. He might be a criminal but he didn't steal your stuff.

  6. "It is an 'attack on the international community,' said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in reference to the release of 250.000 secret cables by Wikileaks.
    Clinton is correct, this is indeed a long overdue, necessary attack on an ‘international community’ of war mongers and war criminals."
    ~Gilad Atzmon 11/30/10

  7. @Glen, Gilad Atzmon is just another self-loathing Jew who snipes at Israel from the safety and comfort of England.

    By "international community" of course Hillary means herself. As Sec.State, Hillary is the one who's most humiliated and stands to lose the most by the exposure of these cables. It might even rise to the level of disqualifying her, on foreign diplomacy grounds, from running for POTUS. Of course she's pissed.

  8. "Gilad Atzmon is just another self-loathing Jew...."

    You are mistaken, Ed, Atzmon does not loath himself. He loaths evildoers and those who apologize for evildoers. I applaud him.

  9. Glen, I don't really want to debate the whole Israel/Palestinian thing with you. But how can you believe that Israel and America are evil-doers and the terrorist organizations of Hamas and Hezbollah are not?
