Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Et tu Judge, et tu?

Add Judge Andrew Napolitano to the deranged 9/11 truther squad. He made this comment the other day on the Alex Jones show...

Judge Napolitano: "It’s hard for me to believe that WTC7 came down by itself."

As any first-year engineering student can tell you, it didn't come down by itself. Fire and gravity brought it down. But a physics debate is missing the point entirely. In order to accept that WTC-7 collapse was not part of the plane attack, you must accept that our federal government, specifically the Bush administration, deliberately and secretly used controlled demolition to destroy the building with prior knowledge of the terrorist attacks. I wonder if the Judge is prepared to make that accusation? I doubt he's prepared to say that, but either you believe everything that happened that day was part of the attack or you believe the entire thing was orchestrated by George Bush...there's no in between or partial responsibility.
I just lost a little respect for the Judge.


  1. @ Bill,

    Do you mean Wow, I can't believe the Judge is a truther?

    Or wow, I can't believe Ed thinks there's no vast government conspiracy here?

  2. The former. I have become a little concerned with the direction Glenn Beck has been going - although I don't think he's a "truther" and this judge fills in for him. Other than that, I know little about him but didn't think he was a kook.

  3. If you watch the video of WTC-7 coming down, and I viewed it many times before posting this, I admit it looks like a controlled demol. but, the twin towers came straight down too and all it took was a little av-gas fire. WTC-7 came down after the towers had compromised it's base.

    I too think Beck is a tad conspiratorial. Not that our enemies wouldn't conspire against us, they would. The question is, is any group of men competent enough and secretive enough to pull off a conspiracy so large as crashing the US economy for their own profit and power? I find that difficult to believe. Not that they wouldn't like to, but that they are capable of it.

  4. I was in a regular weekly staff meeting of Fire Dept. chief officers on that morning. As we watched on TV, the general consensus was that the tops of the buildings might collapse, but probably not. No high rise had ever fallen under a fire load. What no one considered was the heat from the jet fuel plus the substantial structural damage done by the A/C. No conspiracy is needed to explain the collapses, other than the al Qaeda conspiracy.

  5. The people deserving of ridicule are not those who question the official 911 conspiracy theory but, rather, those who think that "fire and gravity" brought down any of the three World Trade Center buildings.

  6. Fire and gravity that came from the plane attacks did indeed bring down all the WTC buildings. If the plane impact alone could have brought them down, they would have fallen immediately.

    Besides Glen, there is no "official" 9/11 conspiracy theory, just conspiracy theories. I'm guessing you think the Bush administration orchestrated the whole thing to justify the Iraq war?

  7. I have been asking myself, how can Ed be so wrong on so many issues? Is he a disinformation agent? Is he being paid to pretend that black is white, down is up, evil is good? That the left/right paradigm is something more than a tool to make the masses think that they have choices?

    If so, there will be a heck of a nice bonus in his pay envelope this year. By any standard of measurement he is doing a bang up job.

  8. I'm laughing my ass off Glen...that is a rich assessment of me...rich indeed.

    Though the men in white coats are probably looking for you since you strayed off the institution grounds, you may have stumbled upon a kernel of truth. That is, the governmnet is too big, intrusive, and nanny-like. And that while we think we have choices, thay are akin to gold-fish having a choice as to which corner of the tank to hang out in. But it's not a vast conspiracy that has created the nanny-State, it's the natural inclination for men to want to control the lilves and choices of other men combined with the path of least resistance for the average citizen being one of dependence.

    You see a conspiracy where I see natural human failings. Either one has left us in a precarious place as free men.
