Monday, November 29, 2010

Sweet validation

You know that my position on the Wikileaks document dump is that it's much-ado about nothing? If it's about anything, it's about how a lowly private had access to such sensitive material, for so long. Well, as if to validate precisely what I've been saying, Mike Flynn over at BigGovernment, a web site from Andrew Brietbart, makes these exact points. Here's an excerpt...

So, let me get this straight. The big data-dump of 250,000 leaked diplomatic cables reveal that American diplomats occasionally spy on other diplomats, the Arabs don’t like the Persians, British royalty can be rude, and Obama and his disciples have poor opinions of other world leaders. Oh, and the Chinese government might be trying to censor parts of the internet, the Russian government might have ties to organized crime and members of the Afghan government might be corrupt.

Like I said, big whup! How does all this rise to the level of scandalous international incident? We already knew all this, it's just that nobody's said it out loud before now. After demanding his money back, a disappointed Flynn continues....

Of course, it is possible that more startling revelations come to light. Color me skeptical, though, as it seems Assange would lead with his best stuff. Regardless, I don’t think the real scandal is the content of the cables. I think it is this:

How the hell does a 22-year old private have access to this stuff?

See, you people don't think I know what I'm talking about. Demented and cynical though I may be about most news stories, I can discern the real crises from manufactured ones....serious journalists came to the same conclusions.

Click on the link above and read the whole story.


  1. Ferris Bueller, you're my hero!

  2. Well, how about the President of Yemen having to explain why he turns a blind eye to U.S. air strikes inside his country? How about our diplomats pulling their punches in cables because they fear a leak? I don't think it's all that innocuous.

    The panel on Bret Baier made some good points tonight. Why hasn't Assange been indicted and requested to be extradited? Why haven'e we hacked into "wikileaks" and planted some malware? Publicly say that if you download this stuff, it might just fry your computer? What can Cyber Command do that Obama will allow them to do? Maybe we are doing some things - I hope so.
