Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chairman Zero has no shame....or sense of irony

Boy wonder tax-cheat Tim Geithner is tapped by Chairman Zero to head up negotiations with republicans on tax policy...

From FoxNews -- President Obama announced that he has dispatched Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and OMB Director Jack Lew to lead negotiations with both parties on a potential tax cut compromise.

When are you people going to get it? There are no tax cuts on the table here! All they're doing is negotiating whose taxes will stay the same and whose will go up. We should be so lucky that our privileged overlords would benevolently allow us to keep a morsel more of what we've earned by cutting our taxes. Don't let the feckless liberal media acting as obedient mouthpieces for craven democrats convince you you're getting a tax cut from Obama......you are not!