Monday, October 04, 2010

You can tell it's October of an election year by the tone of the political ads

It's getting ugly in Connecticut. Here's Linda McMahon's latest ad designed to deep-six once and for all Dick Blumenthal's run for the Senate....

Americans regularly claim when asked, that they detest negative campaign ads, but the numbers show that they work better than anything positive you can say about yourself. Besides, is it really considered "going negative" when it's the truth? Blumenthal did indeed repeatedly lie about his Vietnam service to try to garner patriotic-voter support. I think that is dispicable and there's nothing wrong with McMahon's alerting voters with this fact.

Thanks to Hotair for the vid.

1 comment:

  1. There are few things more despicable in my eyes than lying about one's military record. I have no trouble at all "remembering" that I never served in Viet Nam, and have never "recalled" any time as a Navy Seal.
