Monday, October 04, 2010

Nancy Pelosi's financial transaction tax

If you were looking for a reason NOT to vote democrat this year and haven't found one yet, well you're probably an idiot. But just in case, how would you like to pay the government a 1% tax on every financial transaction you make?

Your $2,000 paycheck direct deposit? The government takes $20 for itself.
$36 movie tickets for your family? The government takes $.36 for itself.
Use your ATM bank card for $50 in gasoline? The government takes $.50 for itself.

I might could get behind this if they abolished the hideously progressive income tax and used this in its place, but this is in addition to all the other dozens of taxes the government takes from us every day. Starting to get the picture? Under the democrats, the federal government wants every red cent it can wring out of you to fund everything from redistributive vote-buying treachery to penis-washing programs for stupid African men.

If you like the idea of the behemoth federal nanny State seizing still more of your money every time you use it, go ahead and vote democrat, but shut your stupid piehole when you can't afford a new car, a vacation, or the new deck your house needs because the government is bleeding you dry.

Hat tip to Boortz.


  1. Ed, Ed. It's their money. They just allow us to keep some of it. Don't you know tax cuts are "costs" to these folks?

  2. Bill, the formerly great Britain is thinking of going to a system by which your entire check goes directly to the government first. It takes what it wants out of it and sends you what little is left that it deems is enough for you to get by on. I'm sure SanFranNan would love to have that system here. Given then dozens of taxes both up-front and hidden that we pay, we're not that much different. We don't pay our taxes as much as the government, through the threat of imprisonment, takes what it wants.

  3. Doesn't it make you feel strange when you need to consistently make stuff up to slander the other party instead of just making a coherent argument based on facts?

    The transaction tax she talks about is not 1%, but 0.25%. But more importantly, it doesn't tax everyday transactions like movie tickets or even bank deposits. It is aimed at Wall Street transactions like derivatives. You know, the same transactions that brought down the house in '08?

    Why support people who tell you lies and then repeat the same crap to other lemmings?

  4. "The tax, at a rate of 0.1% to 0.25% of the value of the trade, would be levied on all financial transactions such as stock trades, but not on consumer transactions such as with credit cards."

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