Monday, October 04, 2010

Claiming victimhood scores points with the left

I'm not sure I believe this.....

From FoxNews -- NEW YORK -- The wife of an imam planning an Islamic community center and mosque near the World Trade Center site said Sunday that she and her husband have received death threats.

"For the record, my life is under threat," Daisy Khan said during a town hall debate on Islam broadcast on ABC's "This Week" news program.

If they are receiving death threats, which I doubt, I wonder who the first network will be that pegs the Tea Party folks, without a shred of evidence, as the anti-Islamic villians? I'm betting on MSNBC's retard Ed Shultz.


  1. I watched the program. She said it.

    Here is a clip from Youtube:

    The most egregious part comes in at 1:12, when arguing about the validity of these claims and not using bodyguards:

    lead up at 1:02 "we do not walk around with body guards because we love this country"

    at 1:08 - 1:12 "we don't walk around with big bodyguards...because we don't want to use taxpayers money" and if you look closely, it's almost as if she's holding back a smile

    WTF!? What do taxpayers have to do with her obtaining bodyguards? She hires the bodyguard(s), she pays for them. NOT the tax payers.

  2. Excellent catch anon! I had not picked up on that. Why would taxpayers pay for her body guards indeed?

  3. Because that idiot Bloomberg would probably provice them!

  4. Provide, not "provice."
