Monday, October 04, 2010

Gulf Shores puts the kibosh on "Redneck Riviera"

I'm glad Gulf Shores did this....

From -- GULF SHORES, Alabama -- The producers of a reality show called "Redneck Riviera" are looking for a spot to film on the Gulf Coast, but they may not find it in Baldwin County.

Share 21 Comments The City Council took a step toward stopping it this week and approved a new law that might prevent the show -- and others like it -- from being filmed in the Baldwin coastal town.

The "Jersey Shore" spinoff is casting a young crowd of people who "drink sweet tea, talk endlessly about NASCAR, sport a rebel flag (on your bikini or jacked-up pickup truck), listen to loud country and/or Southern rock, or enjoy walking around shirtless or in Daisy Dukes."

Before you say, "But Ed, everybody else gets made fun of, why is Alabama special?", remember, every time there's a tornado or UFO sighting, the media find the dumbest, white-trash moron they can to interview about it. We get plenty of bad publicity already. We don't need a stupid TV show perpetuating the dumb, southern-redneck stereotype. We don't have any more white trash than any other state, the media just enjoy portraying it as the norm down is not the norm.


  1. Baldwin County is trying desperately to entice people to come back to the Gulf after the BP disaster and the media hype that went with it. My hat is off to them for resisting the temptation. I think a show like "Jersey Shore" would turn a lot of people off and tourism would take an even bigger hit in the long run than it has already.

  2. Yeah, the beaches down here are clean and people behave for the most part and respect each other and each other's property. A reality show that portrays our beach as a haven for rednecks would be completely wrong. I'd rather be at Gulf Shores than Jersey Shore, or any other shore for that matter, any day of the week. It's far classier and the girls are prettier.

  3. They should just call it "LA" like I've always heard. That's Lower Alabama for any who don't know.
