Sunday, October 03, 2010

15 years ago today

On October 3, 1995, the trial of the century ended with an acquittal of OJ Simpson for the brutal, stabbing murders of his wife Nicole and Ron Goldman in Brentwood, CA. It is viewed by most white Americans as the single greatest miscarriage of justice in American history and lauded by most blacks at the time, as deserved victory of a wrongly accused black man over "the man". If you've forgotten or weren't paying attention back then, here's how it went down....

OJ spent the next 10 years or so "searching" for the real murderer on various public golf courses in Florida. A few years ago he was arrested in Nevada on felony gun charges and sentenced to 33 years. He'll probably die in prison.


  1. Wow, I can't believe its been 15 years already. I remember I was sitting in my car getting ready to go into a business for an interview. (I declined that job)

    Thanks for the reminder Ed. I might blog this later.

  2. Wow, I can't believe its been 15 years already. I remember I was sitting in my car getting ready to go into a business for an interview. (I declined that job)

    Thanks for the reminder Ed. I might blog this later.

  3. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

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