Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Civic Literacy Quiz

Ok TRR readers....everybody take about 10 minutes today and take the Civic Literacy Quiz and show us how much you know, then report back here with your score. I predict TRR readers are above average in civics knowledge. The average score for all 2,508 Americans taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%. Here is my score.....

You answered 26 out of 33 correctly — 78.79 %

Average score for this quiz during October: 74.0%

That's an embarrassingly solid C. I should have done better.....you can do better. Make me proud!

Thanks to Blonde Sagacity for the heads up.


  1. I got a 96.97%. I missed the 33rd and last question, which I think is poorly worded.

  2. Damn fine performance Bill! Yeah I struggled with the last one too. The question is incomplete given the answers you are forced to choose from.

  3. Ed, here is my score. Did I do okay? I missed the ones at the end about capitalism and the free market.
    "You answered 28 out of 33 correctly — 84.85 %"

  4. Okay, Ed. I'm just messing with you. I really scored a 57.58%. Shamefully, I lied. However, for the ones that I missed, the correct answer was my second guess for most of them. Had I gone with my first instinct I would have made an 84%. Dianne

  5. Hey, Did Melissa and Alison put their brains together to come up with a score of 78.79%? If so, they each only scored a 39%

  6. That's funny. You're still smarter than the "educators" that are teaching our kids about America.

  7. @anon@2:09, yeah, that's kind of like cheating I thought.

  8. You answered 27 out of 33 correctly — 81.82 %

    Average score for this quiz during October: 75.8%

  9. Nice going Glen. Even a deranged commenter like you knows his American civics. We welcome all kinds here.

  10. Reid scored 29 out of 33 for a 87.87%. I missed the last question and the one on government spending because I answered that it didnt help even though I knew it was not the correct answer (the government doesnt help so I was right). The other two I am ashamed to have missed but Civics was at least ten years ago for me as a Jr. in HighSchool (hahaha)

  11. @Reid, 10 years? 10 years for your daughter perhaps....heh heh.

  12. 30/33. Not bad for some highschool sophmore with a bunch of libs for teachers.

  13. Anon, you're a highschool sophomore.....in a US public school? And you did this well? Preposterous! Outrageous! Ludicrous!

    What school to you attend if you don't mind sharing?
