Friday, September 17, 2010 any means necessary

Embittered, entrenched RINO Lisa Murkowski, former Alaska Senator, is pissed that Alaskans didn't vote for her in the GOP primary. Instead of manning-up and conceding like most political losers, she's decided to attempt to re-entrench herself in the US Senate by running as an independent, write-in candidate, or libertarian.

That she's decided to make this startling announcement on Friday night at 9:00(the exact time when the white house dumps bad news so that nobody knows about it until Monday because nobody is watching TV at that time) shows her tone deafness and political clumsiness. That she's even considering a re-election bid following a primary loss exposes her as a pouting, sour-grapes, career politician....or precisely what conservative voters are trying to rid themselves of. Conservative voters aren't in the mood for go-along republicans who've clearly come to like the trappings of power and privilege a little too much and have forgotten that they were elected as republicans to defend the Constitution and advance conservative principles in the face of the insidious, rotten creep of liberalism. This kind of petulant, childish reaction to losing an election, repeated in Florida, Pennsylvania, and other states, only alienates conservative voters further. Clinging to power by any means available, regardless of how preposterous or transparently craven it makes you, is unbecoming of an elected official and anyone who tries it deserves to be kicked to the curb by voters.

1 comment:

  1. One might think that simple calculation would lead her not to do this. A quick look at Charlie Chris' campaign since his independent bid should convince her. Chris was also seduced by some polls showing he would win, and is now losing badly to Rubio. A write in has even less of a chance.

    Also, the other senator from Alaska was only elected due to the politically manuevered corruption trial of Sen Stevens, who was exonerated after the election (and who was sadly killed in a plane crash a few weeks ago). Lisa could play the loyal Republican and run for that seat in 2014. Not anymore!
