Monday, September 20, 2010

Double, double toil and trouble

Does this bit of Christine O'Donnell's distant past spell trouble for her at the ballot box?

From Yahoo -- LINCOLN, Del. – Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell is making light of comments she made more than a decade ago when she was in high school about having dabbled in witchcraft.

"How many of you didn't hang out with questionable folks in high school?" she asked fellow Republicans at a GOP picnic in southern Delaware on Sunday.

O'Donnell's comments about witchcraft were made during a 1999 taping of comedian Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect" show.

"I dabbled into witchcraft. I never joined a coven," she said on the show, a clip of which hit the Internet as O'Donnell canceled Sunday appearances on two national news shows, citing commitments to attend church and the GOP picnic in Delaware.

"I hung around people who were doing these things. I'm not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do," O'Donnell told Maher.

"One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's little blood there and stuff like that," she said. "We went to a movie and then had a little midnight picnic on a satanic altar."

So she made the comments a decade ago and they were about some youthful associations even further back than that. Big whup! I seriously don't think she will be held to account for a dumb thing or two she did in high school. Good grief! If high school were held against us, we'd all be ineligible for every job we've ever held. Only the most strident social conservatives will be bothered by this revelation, and strident social conservatism is something from which the GOP should distance itself. Economic and small-government conservatism is all republicans should be caring about.

Honestly, I wouldn't care if she was a currently practicing witch with a black pointy hat and a wart on her nose. I'd still vote for her if she promised to fight for economic liberty, lower taxes, and small, limited government.

To win a virtual cookie: without cheating, what is the source that is referenced in the title of this post?


  1. Shakespeare - one of the plays, can't remember which.

  2. That was The tradgedy of MacBeth. Supposedly cursed because of the witches' lines.

  3. Very good. I had no idea TRR readers were so well versed in the classics. You both get virtual cookies.

  4. I'm really PO'd that someone beat me on the MacBeth reference.

    On O'Donnell, where was this level of curiousity about our current president 2 years ago?

  5. Precisely Bill. Rush just observed that Rove has become a media darling because of his obsessive criticism of O'Donnell...the same media that wanted him frog marched from the white house directly to jail during the Bush years.

  6. I just hope she has read a book recently so she doesn't stumble like Palin did? Remember I want someone smarter than me in office and usually that means they read, pay attention, and can discern the important from the urgent.

  7. I'm hopeful she doesn't stumble in the debate with Coons. It didn't look good skipping out on Chris Wallace yesterday either. She needs to go on Fox News Sunday and get in front of every possible criticism of the left. Offense if the only way. You can't play defense in the political mean season.

  8. "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes...". I know I'm a bit late, but I had the Macbeth reference. One of the very few things I learned in Ms. Billert's senior english class.
