Friday, September 17, 2010

Stop, look, and listen at Purdue U., not so much

At first glance you might think this is at your kid's grade school but, it's coming to Purdue University where the students are so stupid that they keep walking out in front of cars and getting hit. The school is hiring dozens of grade-school-like crossing guards to help the mentally retarded boilermaker student body safely cross the streets to class. Replied one kid who was asked about the new paid positions on campus.....

"Personally I think it's embarrassing because we are grown adults now. When I was in undergrad and we didn't have the yield sign, it was pretty obvious you don't take the right of way from cars. And now people just... I mean, they are on their iPods and they are walking and jamming across the street, and then they get hit," said Trzupek.

And get hit they should. Kids in this generation are so used to their helicopter parents making their world absolutely risk-free from physical harm, hurt feelings, bad grades, a losing score, or poorly attended birthday parties, etc., that they can't even cross the street safely without help. The answer to adult students getting run over isn't to make their carelessness consequence free, it's to stop nannying and coddling them and force them to be responsible, independent pedestrians. There are no crossing guards in the real world. Isn't college supposed to prepare you to live successfully in the real world?

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