Thursday, July 22, 2010

Harry Reid is clueless

Harry Reid hates to admit that Ford was hugely successful without a government bailout, so he simply lies about it...

From RealClearPolitics -- SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "Isn't it a good thing today in America that we have an automobile manufacturing sector? If it had been up to them [Republicans], General Motors would be gone. If it were up to them, Ford Motor Company would probably be gone. Chrysler definitely would be gone."

To it's credit, Ford never took a dime of taxpayer bailout money. This is precisely why they were, and still are successful, and GM and Chrysler continue to struggle under the weight of union thuggery and government meddling. Americans who opposed the bailouts of struggling companies put their money where their mouths were and bought only Fords. The next time I buy a new car, it will not be a GM or Chrysler product for this very reason. And if I can help it, I try not to do business with banks and credit card companies who received bailout money, money that was seized from taxpayers.

Harry Reid, like all democrats, cannot tolerate a private company who succeeds in the marketplace without government intervention so rather than acknowledge Ford's competitive successes, he lies about their participation in the bailout disaster.


  1. Raised on GM but a Ford owner for the last 20 years and my household fleet is curently 66% Ford. Never another GM (or Chrysler).

    BTW, unfortunately, Ford is also unionized.

    GM is still selling PUSH ROD engines. The same technology Richie Cunningham drove! My Toro lawnmower has a more advanced engine.

    Unfortunately I cannot help sizing up a person's IQ based on what they drive. If it's a GM or Chrysler I have to wonder. But, you know what, it still transports them to the quickie mart for lottery tickets, gallon-sized soft drinks, and People magazine.

  2. Most Americans don't identify viscerally with what's so wrong about bailouts, unions, gov't interference in private markets, etc. because they don't think it affects them directly, or they don't see it in their every day lives of decadence and American Idol. Or worse, they think gov't intrusion is good for America. Those are the cretins who voted for Obama.

  3. Bailouts are inaccurate feedback and only encourage more of the same. It's all about incentives. Paying people to continue to make the same bad products, decisions, etc, which is what WE are doing, gives you products like the Pontiac Aztek, all crude Jeep products, the K cars, and large bureacracies, e.g. General Motors.

    GM's latest idea is selling large digital storage devices (hard drives) with an automobile attached. They have lost their way.

    But people will buy them just not me.
