Friday, July 23, 2010

Glenn Beck humiliates Keith Olbermann

This is Glenn Beck and one of his staff riffing on an unhinged monologue that village idiot Keith Olbermann did on the Shirley Sharrod kerfuffle. It's hilarious, more toward the end but worth a listen. That's gold Jerry, gold!

How bad must it suck to wake being Keith Olbermann every day? Heh heh, the Dennis Miller comment cracked me up.


  1. If you read the treasure trove of incestuous chatter from the "Journolist" archives, you learn that even the liberal hacks on the list hate Olbermann.

    They show it on the "news" TV channel of AFN where I am now and having never watched it before, when he's on the in the dining facility, it's like watching a car crash with injuries. When the effete Lawrence O'Donnell subs for him, it's even worse!

  2. Why would AFN be showing any show of MSNBC? None is more hostile to the military than the trolls over at MSNBC. Or maybe it was being watch for the comedic value. I can see that.

  3. AFN is "balanced" to the point of insanity. For every Hannity, they have to show Maddow, for every Beck, it's Olbermann. I don't know what loser they have to "balance" Rush on AFN radio, since I don't have a radio here.

  4. That's how they're trying to accomplish "equality" in radio without the heinous Fairness Doctrine. The balanced-shows on AFN mandate probably came from the Obama administration as a threat of some kind. Or there could be some unhinged liberal in your chain of command that thinks he's doing his part for liberalism.
