Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yea....Muslims can drink cat-poop coffee without going to hell

An Indonesian Imam has declared that Muslims may drink the coffee brewed from the civet coffee bean. For the uninitiated, the Malaysian Civet is a nocturnal cat-like creature that swallows the coffee bean whole. They ferment in it's intestines for a few days after which it defecates the beans and some unlucky dude gets to collect them from the jungle floor. You may be surprised to learn that this coffee is the most expensive in the world because of it's excellent taste and total absence of bitterness.

Why Muslim imams would waste time deliberating about whether civet-produced coffee is halal-compliant is a mystery when issues like suicide bombings and honor killings seem more pressing. But I'm guessing no more mysterious than the guy who first wondered what coffee brewed from jungle-cat poop might taste like. It might have been the same guy who thought to scramble and eat that ovoid object that comes from a chicken's ass....just sayin'.

Would you drink coffee brewed from the poop of this creature? Actually, I would absolutely try it. That's right, I said it!

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