Wednesday, March 17, 2010

When the tables turn on crybaby elitists

If you are an uppity, elitist snob who insists on looking down your nose at the world from the confines of your stupid gated community, then you deserve to be treated like crap by the mini-tyrants with Napoleon complexes on the HOA.....

Melissa Solis said she understands that she can't use her community pool or clubhouse because she's late paying her homeowner-association fees.

But it's unfair, she said, that security guards at the gated entrance to her neighborhood prevent her friends, family, babysitter and even the delivery man from Winter Garden Pizza Co. from getting to her home. They wouldn't even allow her mother-in-law inside the gates for a family birthday party.

Instead, she has to meet her visitors outside the community's entrance, pick them up and drive them inside in her car. Unlike residents who are current with their fees, even Solis cannot enter through the automatic gates; she must instead get the guard's approval to access her home.

When these people signed the contract, they were fine with making others live by whatever stupid rules the HOA board deemed appropriate, no matter how absurd they are. But when they are the ones being mistreated, well, that's entirely different.

What's this? [rolls thumb and index finger together in a circular pattern] The world's smallest turn-table playing an album of violin music for you.

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