Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hookers in Bangkok are harder to seduce than Dennis Kucinich

Ohio representative Dennis Kucinich has changed his mind, almost over night, and the diminutive toad is now voting "yes" on Obama's health-care reform bill....

"I have doubts about the bill," Kucinich said. "This is not the bill I wanted to support. . . However, after careful discussions with President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, my wife Elizabeth and close friends, I’ve decided to cast a vote in favor of the legislation."

All that's happened since Kucinich's determined "no" position on March 8 is his mano-a-mano Air Force One ride to Ohio with Obama yesterday. One cannot help but wonder what happened on that 1.5hour plane trip. Did Obama give Kucinich a foot rub, promise Ohio tax-free access to health care, or did he just provide a scrumptious buffet and dancing girls? Since Kucinich is a famous believer in UFO's and alien contacts, maybe Obama promised him access to Area-51 in exchange for his "yes" vote. Either way, he's still a sell out, and just like a prostitute, he's got no scruples, morals, or convictions.....just a price.

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