Wednesday, March 17, 2010

At last....a country whose kids are dumber than America's

You know how we are always making fun of how dumb American kids are who have toiled in the public education system? Well, take a look at these ignorant morons in Britain. Our kids are some of the dumbest and least prepared in the world but, at least they're not British.....

From the BBC -- One in 10 children thinks the Queen invented the telephone, a survey of children’s science knowledge suggests.

Others gave credit for the invention to Charles Darwin and Noel Edmonds.

One in 20 of the 1,000 pupils polled thought Star Wars character Luke Skywalker or Richard Branson had been the first to set foot on the Moon.

Some 60% of nine- and 10-year-olds thought Sir Isaac Newton discovered fire, the survey for science campaign Birmingham Science City found.

Just over a third of boys said Newton discovered fire, while the remaining 16% either said he invented the Internet, or discovered the solar system or America.

Just think, Obama is driving America toward becoming a second-rate, socialist, nanny-democracy just like our mother country. Our public education system can't be far behind.

Heh, heh, dumb British kids think this guy was the first to walk on the moon.

1 comment:

  1. But he was... It was... A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.......
