Thursday, March 18, 2010

Was there an earthquake in Hawaii that I missed?

Chairman Zero tries to convince Brett Baier that the despicable "Louisiana Purchase" somehow affects the devastating earthquake that struck Hawaii.....wait, WHAT?

[the curiousness happens at about 1:15]

Did I miss something? When did a devastating earthquake strike Hawaii? Still, $300million to Louisiana 7 or so years after Katrina to help with health-care needs is a bit of a stretch. It was a bribe through and through.

UPDATE: apparently in 2006 there was an earthquake in Hawaii. Anybody remember it? There must not have been too much destruction and death.


  1. Yes, you missed something.

    Hawaii had a 6.7 in 2006  for which it received federal emergency assistance after Bush declared a federal disaster.


  2. Bush was a moron. After the whipping he took from the media after Katrina, he would have declared a state of emergency after a beaver-dam break just to keep the media off his back. Obama comparing the Hawaii quake with Katrina was ridiculous.
