Wednesday, March 24, 2010

B. Hussein Obama refuses official photo op with Netanyahu

Think this administration isn't irrationally hostile to Israel, our only steadfast ally in the middle east? Apparently Obama has refused to be officially photographed with the Israeli head of state.....this is unprecedented. But when you remember that Obama was born and raised Muslim, it starts to make sense. Also there's this....

From ExposeObama -- President Obama has surrounded himself with a host of vehemently anti-Israel advisers including Lee Hamilton, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and Gen. Jones, many of whom advocate imposing a solution on Israel.

Earlier this week Netanyahu had to school Hillary when she ordered Israel to stop building settlements in Jerusalem, by reminding her that Jerusalem isn't a Jewish settlement, it's their capital. Besides, when Israel was attacked in 1967, they kicked the asses of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria...all in six short days. Then they kept the land they won including East Jerusalem. Who cares if the Muslims want it for their own? To the victor go the spoils.

That Obama would refuse to be photographed with Netanyahu is telling....especially when he'll gladly be photographed glad-handing despotic, banana-republic tyrants like Hugo Chavez.

Here's Chairman Zero, showing the kinds of friends he prefers above true allies.


  1. Didn't he just go around the world apologizing for the United States arrogance in dictating terms to the rest of the world how they should stand for freedom and liberty and to stop oppressing their citizens? Basically, the United States should not be dictatorial to the rest of the world.

    According to Obama that was the height of arrogance perpetrated by the US.

    Now he is not on speaking terms with the PM of Israel! Why?...

    Because Netanyahu will not bow and do what Obama is ARROGANTLY DICTATING what he needs to do to carry favor with this administration. Which is namely bend over and take it for the Palestinians!

    Oh the utter hypocrisy of these giants of corruption and idiocy!

  2. He will bow to everyone in Asia, but no photo-op with an ally in the Middle East. Unbelievable the hypocrisy.
