Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Baby slings are perfectly safe in the hands of responsible parents

The baby sling is a perfectly good product that millions of hipster, yuppie mothers safely use every day. It is getting recalled because three morons didn't use it properly....

"The sling's fabric can press against an infant's nose and mouth, blocking the baby's breathing and rapidly suffocating a baby within a minute or two."

-US Consumer Product Safety Commission
warning issued on 12 March

The exact same thing can happen with baby blankets, sheets, or any cloth with which the baby comes in contact. Will they recall baby-baths because a couple of babies drown each year during bath time? Will they recall baby food because a couple of babies a year choke on strained peas and carrots? Do parents have no responsibility for the safe use of every-day products? In America, somebody else is always responsible when something bad least that's the case if you listen to the skeevy lawyers who are lining up to financially rape the makers of baby slings.


  1. 'In America, somebody else is always responsible when something bad happens...'


    What happened to democrats, liberals and smelly hippies?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Capt., don't worry, I never forget to include your friends, even if I refer to them generically. The people who generally blame and then sue others for their own stupidity and carelessness ARE democrats, liberals, and smelly hippies.

  4. Except that's not exactly true, is it?

  5. As a matter of fact, it is true capt. "Democrats, liberals, and smelly hippies" pretty much sums up the entitlement class in America. There are exceptions to every rule of course but, we like to paint all these people with the same broad brush described as wanting something they didn't earn, for nothing.
