Wednesday, March 24, 2010

John Dingell reveals the truth behind the health care agenda

Like Rush says, liberals never tell you the truth about what they're up to because only the dumbest of Americans would buy into it. But occasionally one of them slips up and reveals their true agenda. Here's John Dingell.....

Democrats always invoke the children, safety, compassion, or whatever gets dumb Americans to believe that their motives are pure but, it's always about one thing in the end.....gaining and keeping as much political power as possible so that they can remake society into their own image because the rest of us are too stupid to take care of ourselves.


  1. I can't believe he let that one slip out.

  2. Yeah Billy, progressives are usually more guarded about their intentions for the little people but since they pretty much control everything, they think they can be open about controlling us and there's nothing we can do about it.
