Thursday, February 25, 2010

Obama administration to encourage tourism, inexplicably by taxing it

This is how brain-dead government bureaucrats are. In order to increase tourism in the US, the Obama administration is proposing the creation of a new bloated bureaucracy called the Travel Promotion Office. Undoubtedly it'll be staffed by the same underachieving, otherwise unemployable morons who came up with this harebrained idea.....

In order to fund this debacle, they're proposing to tax travelers by adding a surcharge to their air or boat tickets. That's precisely the tone-deafness I would expect from the Obama administration when inviting foreigners to come enjoy the US...."We want you to enjoy our country but, we insist that you pay for the privilege."
Idiots, I swear!

1 comment:

  1. I think he got the idea from our very own Guvnir Granwhore.

    See, some years ago, we (as in our state government) decided we didn't really need industry (i.e., DETROIT AUTO MAKERS) because we had tourism. Then they decided to tax the living shit out of the Michigan tourism industry. Apparently, we didn't need THAT either.

    Now we have jack - except the highest unemployment rate in the nation for 4 years running (seriously), Detroit standing there with hands extended to the federal government, and a dumber than shit governor and state legislature that can't reign in spending but has no problem raising tax after tax after tax.

    Yeah, Barry should keep listening to Jenny. Neither one has a clue.
