Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Killer whale doing what killer whales do

I gain no pleasure from somebody losing her life but, you have to expect this sort of thing when you try to domesticate carnivorous top-predators such as they do at Sea World....

"The trainer was explaining different things about the whale..and then the trainer that was down there walked away from the window..and then Telly (the whale) took off really fast in the tank and he came back, shot up in the air, grabbed the trainer by the waist and started thrashing (her) around."

It's only a matter of time, when circus elephants get tired of being mistreated and trample a bunch of people, when tigers get tired of doing stupid tricks on stage and eat their trainer, when grizzly bears get tired of being made to ice skate and slaughter their trainers, when tigers at the zoo tire of people taunting them and escape to hunt the taunters or, when killer whales get tired of living in an aquarium and kill somebody. Seriously, why are people shocked when this stuff happens, because it happens all the time.

Look, I'm no animal-rights nut but I'm just saying, perhaps we should limit the stage performances to cats, dogs, and politicians. Protect the top predators, leave them in their natural habitat, and enjoy them from a distance.


  1. The only "legitimate" reason I have heard for the sea animal shows is that the revenue is needed to support the animal research and breeding programs to learn how to prevent animal extinction. How much of that is true I don't know. I have never heard that applied to the other animal acts- what Roy Horn was doing had nothing to do with saving the tigers --it was totally $$$$ in pocket.

  2. I think your post reads kind of harshly, Ed. What I see here is a horrible tragedy where an highly experienced woman who certainly loved sea mammals was killed by a rougue Orka that probably should have been released after it first killed, or at least removed from public shows.

    Humans have been capturing and taming wild animals to a greater or lesser extent for millenia. My sweet dog was once a deadly wolf, etc. The humaneness of the exploitation of animals for our purposes has come far from the fairly recent days of bear-baiting and cock-fighting. I see nothing inherently wrong or immoral with using animals such as Orka, provided they are treated humanely and dealt with sensibly. It's the later precaution that seems lacking in this tragic death.

  3. The general facts still are that this woman, highly trained or not, was dealing with an animal that has in his very genetic make-up the "kill" to eat gene. She should have constantly taken precautions and always proceeded with great care. TRegardless she is dead. Now do the Sean World folks release this animal into the wild and let it fend for itself; do they end its life; or do they let it stay and wait until this tragedy is played out again? Regardless there will be much hell to pay.

  4. Bill, the wolf was long ago bred out of present-day domesticated canines. It's not the same. No one will ever "domesticate" killer whales, no matter how many generations the attempt it. This whale, as far as I know, is no more than one generation if that, removed from total wildness. To put it in close proximity with humans who it sees as it's only food source, is to me, reckless. Same for lions, tigers, bears, etc. Putting these predators in close proximity with humans, unnaturally is asking for trouble, no matter how cute they are to look at performing stupid tricks. I hate it for her family but, it'll happen again and again and always does.

  5. I think the sensation in this case is that things like this happen very rarely. The several Sea World and related shows around the world have thousands of shows a year. Likewise circuses. This one Orka is responsible for 3 deaths over a couple of decades and a bad actor. Know of any others?

    Also, dogs still kill people on occasion. Not all that rarely either.

  6. Ed's argument is on domesticating wild animals and when it is tried it has poor consequences. Bill, your argument is about animals attacking people. Both of you are correct. Yes, Bill this animal has killed 3 people since 1991. Why was it not dealt with then? That is my question. If it had been returned to the sea, shot or whatever then this senseless death wouldn't have happened. I see no logic for keeping a show animal anymore than a bear that comes foraging into a campsite for food and kills somebody.
    I own a dog. While I seriously doubt she would ever atack anyone, there is always that possibility, so when others are around, I am always on notice for her behavior. I may not stop it, but I can mitigate any damage. Seems to me this is common sense. Dont dometicate wild animals, especially hunters, and don't perpetuate coexistence with those that attack and fight back.

  7. Bobby T, I agree. But, now Sea World is saying they are going to continue to use this Orka in much the same manner. One of the deaths attributed to it is iffy, but still......

    Lunacy in this case by Sea World.

  8. I guess they can't release it to the wild.....nobody to hand-feed it dead fish at 20,000 leagues under the sea. I thought they would perhaps just put it in a tank and charge people to look at a man-killer up close but, not use it in shows. I wonder what newbie trainer will draw the short straw and have to jump into the tank with it first....I'd pay to watch that.
