Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The government bullies it's competitor in the car business

If you're dumb enough to believe the tripe coming from the hysterical media, you probably think thousands of ordinary Americans had lost their lives and loved ones because Toyota knowingly sold faulty cars but, there have only been 19 "claimed" deaths due to a "sticky gas pedal" or "floor mat impedance" in the past 10 years. That's less than two fatalities each year. When you compare that to the 40,000 total fatalities on America's roads in each of those years, how do you explain these kabuki-theater hearings in Washington to grill Toyota execs on safety issues?

This is the deal: the Obama administration is in the car business now. I mean they own majority shares in GM and Chrysler. Despite the bailouts, those companies continue to struggle under the weight of outrageous union labor contracts. And Toyota just passed GM as the world's largest car manufacturer. I think Obama, Emanuel, and congressional democrats have decided to appease their union masters by taking this opportunity to destroy Toyota solely to boost domestic car sales.

Yesterday we were treated to the sad sobbing story by a lady whose Toyota magically accelerated all by itself and took her on a harrowing 100mph interstate odyssey. She claims that she tried everything to stop the car like riding the breaks, changing gears but, nothing worked. Did anybody ask her why she didn't just turn the stupid keys off?

The US government is totally conflicted in this and should at the least recuse itself from the issue altogether. It is a disgrace that this sort of thing is happening in what used to be the capitalist center of the world. The sole purpose for these idiotic hearings is to harm Toyota and hope that GM and Chrysler sales will go up....and it is outrageous!


  1. THANK YOU! Someone else thinks about turning the car off. Do you think we should post a sticker on all dashboards tellling people "In case of runaway car- turn the car off". And the paucity of deaths over the time period make me think that even fewer than 19 were car related and were actually background retard (yes I said it) drivers who shouldn't be driving anyone or on prescription medication and ignored the "heavy machinery" warning.

  2. Even the floor mat issue might be drive induced. Maybe the driver should, as I do, make sure the floor mat is in it's proper place before operating the car. And I'm not sure I buy the whole "sticky gas pedal" story. That's a pretty simple mechanism and so far the world's best engineers can't figure out how it's happening so, I'm not so sure it is. I'm this close *hold fingers a millimeter apart* to going all-in on the government conspiracy against Toyota theory.

  3. There was an very enlightening column in the WSJ when this first started about the incredible programming complexity that is going into "drive by wire" automotive technology in recent years. Something is going on with Toyota throttles, and I don't think they're on top of it yet. The lines of code that will be going into hybrids and electric vehicles will be orders of magnitude higher -with more chances for unforeseen effects.

  4. Any that "think" this is about the gov bullying Toyota should, of course feel free to not bother with the recall fixes, and drive their new Toyota anyway, after, of course, signing a waiver releasing the Toyota Company from all liability related to their product since, of course, it is more important for companies to make max profit than for a consumer to have any right to expect a safe product. It should also be a law that any sales or lease contract for a Toyota must include mandatory pay-off-the-car-loan insurance in Toyota's favor, to protect the stockholders dividends. Corporations are more important than people.

  5. No Contessa, the legal system and government safety regulation boards can, and always have, handled these things. Why is the govenrnment involved? Chrysler just recalled 400,000 minivans for airbag malfunctions....where's the hysterical demand for hearing into how unsafe Chrysler is? *cups hand to ear, hears only crickets chirping*
